
When I was a little girl I didn’t imagine myself being a mother. I didn’t care to play with dolls. I didn’t want to babysit. And I didn’t have little cousins or younger siblings. That just wasn’t my experience.

Me and my kids in Times Square, Summer of 2012

As I got older, I didn’t give much consideration to having kids. I just knew it wasn’t something I envisioned. Throughout my twenties I recall confidently declaring to my friends that I would not be having kids.

Here’s the thing. I do have kids. And anyone who knows me now knows how I feel about them. I am in love with them.

I imagine it can be awkward with some people to talk about how my kids came to be because I didn’t plan them. But I wanted them and I still do. Some people might use the word accident to describe how my children were conceived, but that’s just not true. I knew what I was doing when they were conceived. It was intentional. By the age of 30 I realized that I really did want to have kids. Someday. I didn’t plan to have them right away. That’s what happened anyway. I knew I wanted these kids. They are cherished.

Sometimes I wonder at how I seemed to build myself to be the person I am. How is it that I am so uniquely qualified to be their mother? I realize this is also not true. I do not possess many of the qualities that kids need. Yes my chosen career path really overlaps with my motherhood in some big ways, but I am also keenly aware of my parenting deficiencies. Why can’t I just be better at some things? Because I’m not. This is who my kids got. I’m just their mother. And I am trying to improve myself all the time.

What I do know is that I love my kids so much that I can see all of their beauty. That has expanded my world in ways it never could have been otherwise. I imagine that some people might only see my life as a parent as hard. And it is challenging. And I am grateful. Seventeen years ago when I became a mother my life finally became directed. Before that I had my feet on the ground and I was running, but with nothing I was running for. They inspire me. They are who I dedicate myself to. They are my purpose.

J. Warren Welch really puts it into words perfectly. Your children are not your masterpiece that you create. They are their own masterpiece, creating themselves, and you have been given the privilege of watching them be the artist.”

I love watching my kids create themselves. That’s why I wanted them. They are incredible. What an amazing human experience.



Published by StuckInMyBra

Above all else, I am a mother. I've been told by my closest friends that I am a fighter, but I actually roll my eyes at that part of my identity because I really don't enjoy fighting. I'm just good at it for the most part. The thing is, I write about whatever is on my mind, which appears to be a big mess sometimes. I mostly think about my kids and the people they are and how to help them become who they want to be in this world. I love them more than anything in this world. Sometimes I write about giftedness, autism, trauma, schools, mental health and chronic illness because those are all things that affect me. I have written about deaf and death because it has been a bit part of my family life. I write about my own life and the people in it and I try not to hurt people's feelings in the writing process. I hope what I write touches peoples hearts and opens people’s minds because I think people in our world need to have more understanding and compassion. I tell it like it is. Read on.

One thought on “9.

  1. just since i cannot keep up I am only now replying…
    i love the writing as i think it helps tremendously just getting thoughts out. i only did it through the earlier years but i think about doing it all the time.

    i wanted to be a parent. however, i will tell you i am clearly deficient in many, many areas. frankly, i just try to keep up. i am glad my kids are okay with me just as i am.

    i never feel sad for those younger days when they were little. i feel like i am a rather unemotional mom and wonder if that is very weird. i love those critters though and i love watching them become who they are each day and who they will become.

    i feel like i get to speak to you more often when i write to you so… there you go. this is my conversation with you and not just in my head where it normally is lisa.

    Liked by 1 person

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