51. Homemaker Thoughts

January 10, 2022 Dear Reader, Yesterday a new label hit me smack in the face so I'm going to own it. Here it is. Yesterday I officially became employed as a Homemaker. That's right. For the first time ever I am being paid by the hour to do what I've been doing for free sinceContinue reading "51. Homemaker Thoughts"

49. ๐Ÿ–ค

Dear Reader, Please try to remember that what youโ€™re reading is about me, not about you (unless you see your name here). Iโ€™m all filled up with anger and I really have got to find a different container for it because my body is unable to handle it any longer. Donโ€™t read this if youContinue reading "49. ๐Ÿ–ค"


Despite the reappearance of my lifelong sleep disorder over the last year and the shock to my heart last April when my son suddenly died, I still have never had too much trouble getting myself out of bed in the morning. I love life and I always have. I truly have not experienced much depressionContinue reading "48."


Photo of Cole Jackson Tucker at home. Written by Cole T. Autumn looks like mud, tastes like clean air, smells like dead plants, sounds like snapping branches, feels like paper, makes me feel uncomfortable. Humor looks like insanity, tastes like acceptance, smells like B.O., sounds like laughter, feels like a lack of breath, makes meContinue reading "47."


5s8m5m5sd3s (furious) ๐Ÿ‘ฟ 2s8m5m5sd3s (curious)๐Ÿคจ Since my sonโ€™s death in April, I have been doing a few things differently. One of those things is trying to have a lot more fun. Fun is something that's been missing from my life for quite a long time now and that's mostly because I became consumed by responsibilities.Continue reading "46."

43. ๐ŸคŸ๐Ÿฝ

FEARS ARE EDUCATED INTO US, AND CAN, IF WE WISH, BE EDUCATED OUT.โ€ KARL A. MENNINGER Cole Jackson Tucker happy, hearing, and proud at Coloradoโ€™s annual Deaf and Hard of Hearing Field Day Event. Evidently some words are for sale. Or at least a few I recently learned. โ€œDeafโ€ โ€œDeaf Educationโ€ โ€œASLโ€ and โ€œdDeafโ€ areContinue reading "43. ๐ŸคŸ๐Ÿฝ"